Favorite Picture Archive
February 22, 2002
February 28, 2002
March 24, 2002
April 17, 2002
April 17, 2002
October 28, 2002
April 9, 2003
December 24, 2004
The Ranchcam caught some visitors on camera! I save
every frame the webcam sends to this web site to my hard drive. I can then
paste them together to make really cool time lapse movies of a whole day (these
are currently to big to make available on the web site). While flipping through
todays pictures I found that my field had been visited by a very large group of
Turkeys! For those of you that haven't seen a wild turkey up close, these guys
(or gals) are big, around 3 feet high! This frame seemed to show the most at
once, but they just kept coming by. I was in the shower during this time and
didn't see a thing! Maybe one of you happened to be looking at 8:05 this
morning? Makes me wonder what all I missed before the Ranchcam was watching!?
By the way, I hope to one day figure out a way to shrink the size of my time
lapse moves so that I can make them available to you. It is amazing to watch a
whole day go by in a few minutes!
There is something about this
image that stirs my heart.... it stirs feelings of times past... winter cold...
winter silence...
Even with the snow and 9 degree cold we had Friday (3/22/02),
Spring is starting to stir in the air at the Ranch and the birds and the bees
are responding. Sunday (3/24/02) I was going downstairs when I looked out and
saw Sugar staring very intently out towards the creek and gate. I looked out
the living room window and saw what she was looking at, a flock of turkeys!
There were 9 hens and 1 gobbler! Although I see turkeys all the time at the
Ranch, I've never seen a gobbler in all his glory. He was strutting his stuff,
doing a little dance with his tail up and his wings down. His face was blue
that went to purple, then to brilliant red. His "beard" almost
touched the ground. His feathers where iridescent gold, green and brown. Very,
very cool. I shot the video this image came from out my living room window
while sitting on the chair next to my fireplace!
The grouse have also been busy trying to get a mate. The males have been out
beating their wings against their chest to attract a female. The low frequency,
rapid thumping noise can be heard for long distances. I've been hearing them
from inside the house!
April 17, 2002
In this shot you can see the crescent moon and Jupiter together
in the evening sky. If you look at the moon you can see the "dark"
side of it. This is caused by Earthshine. Sunlight reflecting off the Earth is
illuminating the dark side of the moon and the moon is reflecting the light
back. Many may not understand why this simple picture is under my
"Favorite Picture" section. I guess it reminds me of the whole
spectacular spring evening that I took this image. Unfortunately, I can't show
all that.
April 29, 2002
This is yet another picture of the Old Barn that has made it into the Favorite
Picture section. As you can see on The
Beginning of the End for the Old Barn - April 29, 2002 page the barn
is being torn down. I went and took one last walk around the building. With
Spring, bursting forth outside, it feels like this old barn should be alive
with newly born animals. I can just see new colts, calves, pigs, sheep, goats
and chicks all over the place. All running and playing, in and out. Mostly out
by day, playing in the grass of the pen, then in at night to keep warm by their
mothers. This stall must have seen it's share of lively events...
... now they are only distant memories, remembered only by a few... and soon
this place will only be a memory too... remembered only by a few.
October 28, 2002
caught a quick shot of these horses running in the Hay Meadow. The colors of
fall and them running is great.
April 9, 2003
This was a very nice scene as I was coming home late one cold and wet
Wednesday night.
December 24, 2004
The lit Balsam Fir in my front yard on a
cold, crisp Christmas Eve.
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