The peak of Autumn and beyond- Week of October 18,
Well this week was it, the peak of Autumn. The leaves could not be any more
colorfull, the mornings couldn't be any more crisp, and the afternoons couldn't
be nicer.
If you haven't noticed, the seaons and what is happening outside plays a
very large and important part of living at the Ranch. The outside environment
is so powerful and overwhelming here that you can not ignore it.
![](houseimages/week_of_october_18_2000/TreeBehindHouse-10-15-00.jpg) The trees behind the house in the afternoon sun.
![{short description of image}](houseimages/week_of_october_18_2000/TreeBehindHouse2-10-15-00.jpg)
Here's a little
wider view if the back yard. You can barly make out my friend Kenny who is
rocking the back wall.
![{short description of image}](houseimages/week_of_october_18_2000/TreeBehindHouse7-10-15-00.jpg)
![](houseimages/week_of_october_18_2000/TreeBehindHouse4-10-15-00.jpg) The last rays of sun on the red, orange, and yellow
leaves overwhelms my camera.
![](houseimages/week_of_october_18_2000/TreeBehindHouse10-11-15-00.jpg) Yet another view of the back woods trees. The sun
was only shining on the tops of the highest tree. It made the whole place glow.
Of course my video camera can't capture that. All the above pictures where
taken on the afternoon of 10/15.
Check out these maple trees on top of my hill ...
![](houseimages/week_of_october_18_2000/LeavesOnTheHill7-10-18-00.jpg) What colors! I took a break from work for a few
minutes so Timber and I could go for a walk. These where taken on 10/18 from my
hill, just three days after the first pictures on this page, yet these where
just about the only trees left with really vibrant color. The hard freezes
we've had the last few days have totally burnt off most all the leaves.
Timber mousing on top of the hill. We found
indentations in the leaves and grass here where 3 deer had slept last night.
Very cool.
![](houseimages/week_of_october_18_2000/TimberOnTheHill3-10-18-00.jpg) Timber on the deer trail.
![](houseimages/week_of_october_18_2000/LeavesOnTheHill8-10-18-00.jpg) One more shot of those maples!
![](houseimages/week_of_october_18_2000/ViewOnTheHill-10-18-00.jpg) This is the view from my hill towards the pond. As
you can see, most of the leaves are now brown and falling off fast!
On the way back to the house, the dry leaves are blowing
everywhere.. yep, the peak is over.